79" square. An adaptation of Aie Rossmann's pattern, "Water Lilies". The two
outer appliquéd borders are original. Needleturn hand appliqué. Hand and
machine quilted.Won 3rd Place ribbon, Dallas Quilt Celebration, 2014.

To The Bone" 41" square. Made with Louisa Smith's Strips and Curves
Templates. Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted, Hand Embroidery.

Fall", is an original design showing leaves from several Texas trees
and shrubs. The leaf shapes were appliquéd and free-motion machine embroidered
on a pieced ground fabric. The quilt is free-motion machine quilted. “Funky
Fall” won the South Central Region Award at the 19th National Exhibit of the
Embroiderers’ Guild of America and was shown in the EGA
National Traveling Exhibit, 2008-2011.

14"x 16"
Original design. Machine appliqué, free motion machine embroidered, free
motion machine quilted.
"Bobby" Detail.

Offering", 27"x 28" Adapted from a Roseville pattern. Hand appliqué, hand embroidery, hand quilting.
Offering" Detail.

Runner" 37"x 40" Inspired by a class taken from Elizabeth Akana. Triple hand
appliqué with trapunto, hand embroidery around motifs, pieced border, hand quilted.
"Rum Runner" Detail.

74"x90" This quilt was started in an Odessa Quilter's Guild workshop using the book Spectacular
Scraps by Judy Hooworth and Margaret Rolfe, and completed in April, 2002.
Machine quilted by Sheila Brockman.


A Complement!", 53"x65" Original design using light and dark
fabrics and the complements of yellow-green and red-violet. Padded appliqué
border with painting, embroidery and beads. Finalist in IQA Judged Show,
Houston, Texas, 1999. Honorable Mention, Dallas Quilt Celebration, Art
Quilts-Professional, Dallas, Texas, 2001. Juried into the 17th National Exhibit
"Through the Needle's Eye," Embroiderers' Guild of America, Newport
News, Virginia, 2002. This quilt was included in the EGA traveling exhibit.
A Complement!" Detail.

56"x37" Original Bargello design. Blue ribbon Professional, & Yellow Rose
Award for Piecing,San Angelo Quilt Show 1996. Judge's invitational piece, Quilt Plano
1997. Machine pieced, machine quilted. Previously exhibited in the Margaret
Parshall Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky in a collection of work by EGA certified
teachers and judges. "Barcelona" was included in the EGA National Traveling Exhibit of the 18th National Exhibit.

A Jungle Out There", 50"x62" Original design. Constructed entirely
of directional fabrics. Machine pieced, machine quilted. Embellished with wooden animal
A Jungle Out There" Detail.

68"x69" Original design. Juried into IQA Show, Houston, TX, 1997. Dallas Quilt
Celebration, 1998, 3rd Place, Master/Professional. Judges Invitational Piece for the 15th
National Judged Exhibit, Embroiderers' Guild of America, and part of the National Traveling Exhibit. Machine pieced, machine quilted.

Patterns", 47"x47" Original design. Machine pieced and hand
Patterns" Detail.

Obsession", 15"x78" Original crazy quilt design for table runner.
Machine pieced and hand embroidered. Embellished with crochet, knitting, painting,
tatting, lace, buttons, and ribbon. Blue Ribbon, West Texas Quilt Show, San Angelo, Texas,
Obsession" Detail.

"And God Created....Oil"
Original design. Oval, 35"x38" Second National Juried Quilt Exhibition, Ingram,
Texas. South Central Region EGA Exhibit, San Antonio, Texas, 1992. Hand pieced, hand
quilted, hand embroidery.
God Created....Oil" Detail.

Companion", 58"x58" double wedding ring interpretation. Machine
pieced and hand quilted.
Companion" Detail.

of Illusion", 58"x71" Blue ribbon, machine quilting, Marathon
Basin Quilt Show, Marathon, Texas, 1996. Machine pieced and machine quilted.
of Illusion" Detail.

And Funky Houses", 41"x47" Started in "Liberated
Houses" workshop taught by Gwen Marston. Machine pieced and machine
And Funky Houses" Detail.

Autumn", 29"x 29" A Ruth B. McDowell design. Machine pieced, Machine quilted, hand beading.
Autumn" Detail.

Reflections", 39"x27" Started in Deanna Powell's "Design Your
Own Quilt Block" class. Hand pieced and hand quilted.
Reflections" Detail.

Beauties", 20"x 20" Designed by Gabrielle Swain from her book,
Appliqué in Bloom. Hand applique and hand quilted.
Beauties" Detail.

Mirage", 35"x35" Started in Deanna Powell's "A Patchwork
Story" class. Hand pieced and hand quilted.
Mirage" Detail.