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Nell's Quilting and Needlework Page


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My Work


Welcome to Nell's Quilting and Needlework Page

bulletQuilt Appraiser
bulletQuilt Judge
bulletNeedlework Judge

Nell Denman Smith is an American Quilter's Society Certified Quilt Appraiser, a National Quilting Association Certified Judge, and an Embroiderers' Guild of America Certified Master Needlework Judge.

Ever since I can remember I have loved the design, colors and techniques of all types of needlework. I remember as a child going to a 5-10¢ store and admiring the colors of the embroidery floss and saving my allowance to purchase thread. This was a magical time of discovering embroidery using stamped designs on fabric intended for household use. I found that the stitches and patterns that I could make with needle and thread were endlessly fascinating. This basic interest in needlework changed and evolved over the years to include garment sewing, weaving, hand spinning and quilting. Today quiltmaking has become a major interest for me. The endless variety of patterns, styles and the new and different techniques in quiltmaking that are introduced regularly, continue to intrigue me. Each needlework technique is different but each expresses the love of fiber, thread and textiles, which remains constant.

I’d like to tell you a little about my background, show you some of the work I have done and highlight some of the quilt appraisal, needlework judging, teaching and lecturing services that I offer. Thanks for taking the time to visit my web site. Come back soon.


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Contact Information

Postal Address
1407 French Avenue, Odessa, TX 79761
Electronic Mail
General Information:



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Except where noted, all content © 1999-2014, Nell D. Smith.
Send questions or comments to .
Last modified: September 07, 2014.